New Opportunities to Get Involved with DSA and Shape Downtown
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Fall has arrived, and we’re ramping up our member engagement opportunities for 2019–20.
We offer many ways for members to access critical information and subject matter experts, influence the policies and issues shaping downtown, and engage with other City Makers.
From major events to roundtables and committees, there’s something for everyone. Our long-standing State of Downtown event convenes more than 1,400 business and community leaders, and our City Maker Breakfast series dives into pressing local issues.
Stay informed on downtown news and DSA advocacy efforts by subscribing to our Daily Digest. You can also stay in touch and informed by reading our newsletter and website or by following DSA on social media, including LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
Below are descriptions of our participation opportunities and details on how to get more information.
Questions? Email Carolyn Tow, DSA senior manager of member relations, at
2019-20 Engagement Opportunities
Downtown Download
This free, bimonthly afternoon meeting is open to all DSA members interested in staying informed about the issues and initiatives shaping downtown. Each meeting features an in-depth presentation on one or two major topics related to DSA’s strategic priorities: transportation and access; economic development; and the urban experience. These discussions are led by DSA Board members, external experts or DSA partners. Following the deep dive, there’s a quick discussion on a handful of other timely issues impacting downtown. Specific topics will be promoted prior to each session.
- Chairs: Ken Lederman, Foster Pepper, and DSA Board member; Sung Yang, Pacific Public Affairs, and DSA Board member
- Membership: Open to corporate/nonprofit and residential DSA members.
Third Avenue Committee
Third Avenue suffers from a poorly maintained streetscape, an oversaturation of busses, public safety issues and underperforming ground-floor retail. Several improvement efforts have taken place over the last two decades, but none have had a lasting impact. Two years ago, DSA established a public-private Third Avenue Task Force to oversee near-term improvements and develop a long-term vision for this important downtown corridor. With those efforts now underway, the next phase of work will be guided by a Third Avenue Committee, which will meet as needed at key milestones.
- Chairs: Kathy O’Kelley, Hines, and DSA Board member; Sabrina Villanueva, Clise Properties
- Membership: Open to corporate/nonprofit DSA members on a first-come, first served basis.
Parks & Public Space Committee
The Parks & Public Space Committee ensures that DSA’s work in the public realm is coordinated, cohesive and collaborative as we seek to take care of persistent troubled areas, improve high-traffic, high-impact spaces and expand our work in downtown urban parks and public spaces.
- Chairs: Marcus Charles, Belltown Hospitality Group, and DSA Board member; Jim Werth, Ivar’s Restaurants, and MID Advisory Board member
- Membership: Open to corporate/nonprofit DSA members and MID ratepayers.
Communications & Marketing Roundtable
This group of communications and marketing professionals from DSA companies/organizations meets quarterly over lunch to learn about key campaigns going on at DSA, provide periodic feedback and network with each other.
- Chairs: Bernie Griffin, The 5th Avenue Theatre, and DSA Board member; Natalie Price, Allison+Partners, and DSA Board member
- Membership: Open to corporate/nonprofit DSA members in communications, marketing, sales and related fields.
Residents Council Steering Committee
DSA’s Residents Council provides a forum for resident members to connect and work together on issues and projects of common interest. The Residents Council is represented by a 20-person steering committee that acts as a sounding board for residential issues.
- Chair: Michelle Rusk, Pioneer Square resident
- Membership: Resident members may apply in spring 2020.
MID Clean & Safe Committee
This committee of Metropolitan Improvement District ratepayers receives updates on what our Clean, Safe and Outreach teams are doing to support ratepayers within the Metropolitan Improvement District. Members will be asked to provide feedback and suggestions for improvement.
- Chair: Laura Humiston, downtown resident
- Membership: Open to MID Ratepayers.
City Maker Breakfast Series
Over a light breakfast at Palace Ballroom, we’ll explore issues impacting downtown and the city through a moderated panel discussion. Guests also have time for networking and Q&A. These events include a small registration fee. Watch the DSA website for registration information or sign up for our event eblasts.
Meeting times/frequency: Monthly, September-December and March-May.
Please contact Joya Marsh at for more information.
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New: Member Orientation
Orientation is new this year, but it’s not just for new members. Join us over lunch to learn how to get the most out of your DSA membership. We’ll provide a brief overview of DSA, discuss our events and engagement opportunities; demonstrate how to make updates to your online membership account; and give you a quick tour of the DSA website.
Meeting times/frequency: Twice a year; Oct. 16 and March 5, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Lunch will be provided. Open to corporate/nonprofit DSA members.
Please contact Joya Marsh at for more information.
These events allow DSA members special, early or unique access to the projects, people and information shaping downtown and our city. They are limited in capacity and typically include a brief program, a tour, networking and refreshments or a happy hour. Sign up for our event eblasts to learn more.
Meeting times/frequency: Approximately six per year; venues and topics to be announced.
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DSA Young Professionals Group
Our YPG event series combines a brief program with networking in a fun, relaxed atmosphere. Typically over light appetizers and drinks, guests will hear about our latest projects and initiatives from DSA leaders and board members. Our goal is to encourage involvement and develop the next generation of DSA leaders. To learn more, email Joya Marsh at
Meeting times/frequency: Four per year
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State of Downtown
At this annual signature event, we offer an analysis of downtown’s economic progress over the past year and the trends shaping our evolving center city. State of Downtown 2020 will once again include issues-oriented breakout sessions following the main event. In addition to thought-provoking presentations, guests receive a complimentary copy of our highly anticipated State of Downtown Economic Report, with data collected and analyzed by DSA staff. Watch our website and your inbox for more information in fall 2019.
Thursday, Feb. 13, 2020 at The Hyatt Regency Seattle
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Annual Meeting
Our annual meeting brings together hundreds of DSA members and MID ratepayers representing a wide variety of industries. This event includes an annual progress report from DSA President & CEO Jon Scholes, as well as networking and refreshments. Watch our website for more registration information in spring 2020.
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