Graffiti Removal and More Are Just a Click Away
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Did you know that you can make requests to clear tags and other defacements from your building or business with our user-friendly web form? Removing spray paint and stickers is a time-consuming hassle. Luckily, our Metropolitan Improvement District Clean Team is standing by to help.
The team offers a range of other services, including animal and human waste cleanup, litter removal and food spill mess cleanup. Clean Team ambassadors also tackle illegal dumping and syringe removal. Their daily work is key to downtown’s vibrancy and ensuring a safe and welcoming experience for downtown visitors, workers and residents.
Last year, Clean Team ambassadors removed more than 53,000 graffiti tags and stickers, picked up 1.2 million gallons of trash and completed 43,000 cleanups with trikes equipped with power washers.
All private property owners with the MID’s 300-block downtown footprint can access these services. Learn more about DSA/MID’s safety, concierge, cleaning and parks work on our website.