Meet your board: Marilyn Boss
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Each month we’re talking to a DSA board member to help our members learn more about the men and women leading the Downtown Seattle Association. This month, we’re featuring Marilyn Boss, Managing Director at Marsh.
Why did Marsh join DSA?
We joined because the Downtown Seattle Association is a voice for balanced solutions that benefit all people and companies in the downtown core.
How do you approach your role as a DSA board member?
I am an advocate for DSA‘s mission and lend my experience to better serve downtown’s diverse constituency.
What gets you up in the morning?
What’s the most important piece of advice you’ve received?
Believe in yourself and don’t let others define who you are.
What is the best part of working downtown?
The convenience of everything! I live downtown now and walk to work.
Why is engaging the next generation of DSA leaders so important?
Advocacy is hard work. Collaboration is an art, not a science, and working through issues takes time and experience. If the next generation doesn’t engage now, we will find ourselves staring at each other across the aisle on issues and no one will know how to start the conversation.
If you had one word to describe yourself, what would it be?