DSA and Treehouse – a relationship that extends beyond the holidays
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For years the Downtown Seattle Association (DSA) has worked with Treehouse as the charitable partner for the annual holiday carousel in Westlake Park, with each whirl on the seasonal favorite raising funds to help foster children in Seattle.
This spring, DSA President & CEO Jon Scholes and a few DSA staffers took a trip to the Treehouse headquarters and presented Treehouse CEO Janis Avery with the proceeds raised during the 2015 holidays – $22,000.
The DSA group toured the Treehouse Wearhouse, where kids can pick up new clothing, and also the storeroom area stocked with school supplies and other necessities.
“Treehouse is providing foster kids with critical items. From clothing and school supplies to experiential items like camps and classes that enrich a child’s life, Treehouse is making a huge impact in so many young lives, ” said Scholes. “It was terrific to see their facility and meet with the staff. Their passion for helping kids is clearly evident and the DSA is extremely proud to partner with Treehouse through the holiday carousel.”
In addition to raising money for foster children, carousel riders also provided new or gently-used clothing items with a donation at Westlake Park during the holidays. These are gifts that last well beyond the season.
“Treehouse is so grateful for our partnership with the DSA,” said Avery. “Generous donations from the holiday carousel help us to provide kids in foster care with essential material goods, access to childhood experiences like music lessons and summer camp, as well as one-on-one academic support so they can succeed in school and in life.”
Treehouse is 85 percent privately funded and they accept donations year-round. Click here to find out how you can help Treehouse provide foster children with a childhood and a future.