DSA and Stakeholders Make Strong Showing at City Hall to Advance Streetcar Funding
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As Seattle continues to experience record job and residential growth, it’s imperative that we continue to invest in clean, high-capacity transit. DSA, as a leading member of the Seattle Streetcar Coalition, has worked for years to advance a unified streetcar network for downtown.
Earlier this year, the mayor restarted the streetcar project, and in July she asked the City Council to approve $9 million for the endeavor. In the weeks leading up to the vote, the coalition rallied supporters to provide testimony and conducted outreach to local leaders. On Aug. 12, the City Council approved funding to continue design on the Center City Connector.
This action by the City Council allows SDOT to continue its necessary design and engineering work to move the project forward. This includes value engineering efforts and work to examine how the two existing lines will tie into the new Center City Connector segment.
We look forward to continuing our work with the mayor, City Council and SDOT to complete the streetcar network downtown. For more information on DSA’s streetcar advocacy efforts, please contact Emily Mannetti at