Millionair Club Charity Honors DSA-MID With 2018 Employment Excellence Award
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In recognition of DSA’s efforts to improve the lives of men and women in need, Seattle’s Millionair Club Charity presented its 2018 Employment Excellence Award to DSA and the Metropolitan Improvement District earlier this month.
The award recognizes DSA’s commitment to the Jobs Connect program, which matches people experiencing homelessness with employment and job training.
Jobs Connect, launched in 2016, is a partnership between DSA, United Way of King County, the Millionair Club Charity and City of Seattle. Over 200 individuals have participated in Jobs Connect since its inception with DSA as an anchor employer.
Seventy-three participants have been subsequently hired as downtown ambassadors and 18 are currently employed. To date, participants in the program have worked 10,436 hours keeping downtown clean and safe.
One of those individuals is Justin Butler, a MID-funded Safety Team ambassador who was originally hired as a Clean Team ambassador.
“The Millionair Club helped me tremendously,” said Butler. “They springboarded me toward where I wanted to go. Being in tough situations, I know what it’s like first hand. They make it easier to get back on your feet and give back.”
“For someone experiencing homelessness, taking your life back is often just a single opportunity away,” said Millionair Club Charity Executive Director Jim Miller. “DSA is a resource that empowers us to offer men and women that path to hope and independence.”
DSA President and CEO Jon Scholes accepted the award. “Finding a job while living outside is difficult.” Scholes said. “The Millionair Club’s employment-first approach is a model for lasting success and we’re proud to offer work and play a part in transforming lives.”