Public Space Projects
McGraw Square Pop-up Gallery

A new public art gallery popped up into McGraw Square from May 2022 to February 2023. This fully outdoor gallery was part of DSA/MID’s efforts to bring local, vibrant art back into the daily lives of Seattle residents, workers and visitors. The curated selection featured a rotating display of local artists and mediums to help revitalize the local arts sector.
Artists featured:
- Alexis Hilliard, “Great Seattle Fire of 1889,” Handmade paper collage on panel
- Cannupa Hanska Luger, “The One Who Checks & The One Who Balances,” Beadwork, surplus industrial felt, ceramic, riot gear, afghan
- Eric Fisher, “A Feeling,” Digital Illustration
- Tariqua Waters, “NO,” Self-portrait, mixed media
- Jenny Zwick, “Speaking Loudly With Gentle Materials (YES),” Archival pigment print
- Monyee Chau, “Just Adequate,” Digital painting
- Lauren Max, “Nadia & Abigail,” Photograph
Contact Info
General Park Info:
Michael Johnson, Director of Parks & Public Spaces
Jennifer Casillas, VP, Public Realm & Ambassador Operations
Art and Public Space Projects:
Seth Geiser, Manager, Urban Planning & Design
Park Rules
The Seattle Municipal Code prohibits:
- Placing any structure or obstruction in the park without a permit
- Dogs or other pets that are not leashed; person with dog must carry and use equipment for removing feces.
- Sale of merchandise without a permit
- Amplified sound without a permit.
- Camping
- Liquor (open or closed container)
- Littering
- Skateboarding, roller-skating
- Illegal gambling
- Urinating or defecating
Parks Code of Conduct (enforceable under SMC 18.12.040) prohibits:
- Depriving others of their use or enjoyment of the park
- No smoking
- Unattended items
- Creating a risk of harm to any person or property
- Obstructing pedestrian traffic; interfering with the provision of services or the use of park property
- Disrupting Parks and Recreation activities.
- Abusive or harassing behavior