One Center City Near-term Plan

A $30 million investment to move more people to and through downtown.
In the 2010s, Seattle grew faster than any city in the country. By 2016, downtown was home to 328,000 jobs, and more than a quarter-million people commuted to and through the center city every day. A hot real estate market along with major transportation and infrastructure projects added traffic pressure on our streets.
The One Center City Near-term Plan was developed to ensure downtown continued to thrive by making immediate improvements to mobility. Via a public-private partnership, DSA worked with the city of Seattle, King County Metro, and Sound Transit to identify and implement near-term transit and public realm projects totaling $30 million to keep people and goods moving through downtown through 2023 as we plan a longer-term strategy. The funding is enhancing public and pedestrian spaces even as major construction projects impact road capacity.
For more information about the One Center City Near-term Plan, visit the One Center City website: For more information, please email