Complete the MID Ratepayer Satisfaction Survey and View Results From Last Survey
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In 2024, DSA/MID began surveying downtown property owners and other stakeholders to assess their satisfaction with MID-funded services. In spring 2024, the second of these surveys was distributed via email, mail, online and in person by downtown ambassadors. In all, 642 responses were collected from residents, workers, businesses and other property owners.
Key findings:
Top-rated services:
- Sidewalk cleaning, which keeps downtown streets tidy and welcoming.
- Enhanced park activation, bringing more life and vibrancy to public spaces.
- Concierge services, such as providing directions and helping visitors navigate downtown.
Main concerns:
- Personal belongings and drug paraphernalia left on downtown streets, which detract from the area’s cleanliness and safety.
- Unpleasant smells, an issue in some parts of downtown.
- Graffiti on buildings, which affects the cleanliness and appeal of downtown.
While overall results were positive, data also indicated areas for improvement and areas where ratepayers indicated they would like to focus more investment and attention. The following are some changes MID staff have undertaken this year:
- Improving business retention & economic research:
Respondents gave this service lower satisfaction marks but expressed the highest level of interest in expanding the service. DSA/MID publishes monthly revitalization dashboard reports tracking the health of downtown Seattle. However, recognizing MID ratepayers may not be receiving these, there has been an effort to broaden the distribution. The MID is also engaging with the city of Seattle’s Office of Economic Development on developing a retail strategy for the Pike-Pine corridor, which should be available in spring 2025.
- Tackling chronic downtown challenges:
In September 2024, the city of Seattle partnered with the DSA/MID to pilot a program designed to address chronic challenges along Third Avenue and the Pike-Pine corridor. This ongoing coordination of services and communication between DSA/MID and Seattle city officials is showing strong results, including a reduction in observed drug activity, violent crime, graffiti and unpleasant smells.
- Investing in downtown parks:
In 2023, the Seattle City Council renewed and expanded the DSA/MID parks management agreement to include four downtown parks: Occidental Square, Westlake Park, Pioneer Park and Bell Street Park. With MID funding, all four parks were activated for the holidays.
Next steps:
We value the voices of MID ratepayers and want to hear from you again. We have launched our winter 2025 satisfaction survey for ratepayers and downtown stakeholders. This is your opportunity to share any concerns, as well as express your satisfaction with the MID services and ambassadors.
If you have questions, please contact Jennifer Casillas at