
DSA Supports Legislation to Curb Drug Sales and Use Downtown

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Emergency responders

On Tuesday, Sept.10, the Seattle City Council’s Public Safety Committee will hold its second hearing on legislation designed to help address the rampant drug market on Third Avenue. This Stay Out of Drug Area legislation, or “SODA,” was introduced at a previous Public Safety Committee meeting and is a crucial step toward managing the city’s drug crisis. If passed, this would restrict individuals who commit drug-related crimes within specified zones of persistent drug-related activity, including key corridors along Third Avenue, from returning to those areas.

While the fentanyl crisis is a complex one with no easy solution, we believe a downtown SODA zone is an important tool to help reduce the open drug activity that has taken root downtown. SODA is not designed to displace communities or restrict access to employment and social services; rather, it is designed to disrupt the ongoing cycle of drug use and sales and provide relief for communities impacted by rampant drug activity, including those suffering from substance abuse disorder.

If you have a story to share about the negative impact of the drug trade and opioid epidemic on those who live, work, visit and own properties and businesses in the downtown core, we invite you to consider speaking to the Council. You can RSVP and a DSA staff member will follow up with sample language and instructions for testifying in person or online.

If the Public Safety Committee approves the legislation on Sept. 10 it will move to a full Council vote on Sept. 17.

Questions can be directed to