Metropolitan Improvement District

Metropolitain Improvement District logo

Founded by DSA in 1999 through a city of Seattle ordinance, the Metropolitan Improvement District is a business-improvement area spanning 300 square blocks in downtown — from Denny Way to Pioneer Square and from I-5 to the waterfront. Funding from property owners within the MID boundaries provides cleaning, safety and hospitality services in six center city neighborhoods, as well as oversight and activation of multiple urban parks and public spaces. MID-funded ambassadors are on the streets of downtown 362 days a year, ensuring a clean, safe and welcoming experience for everyone. MID funding also supports marketing of downtown, research and economic development.

The MID was renewed by the Seattle City Council in 2023 for another decade. It is managed by an Advisory Board made up of downtown property owners.

MID’s Essential Role in Downtown

A Look at the MID’s Impact

Dani Cone, Cone & Steiner

“The MID’s presence is reassuring to those of us who live, work and visit this neighborhood. The MID is out there doing the boots-on-the-ground work that will get people back. They make us feel taken care of, and that means everything.”