About Us
Our Mission: To create a healthy, vibrant downtown for all
What Our Members Are Saying
Marilyn Boss
DSA provides a forum for members to step in and then lean in with their thoughts and opinions.
Many Voices, One Mission
Over the past few decades, downtown Seattle has evolved into one of the most dynamic urban centers in the country. Ours was the first downtown in the U.S. to feel the economic impacts of the pandemic, as major employers moved to remote work and our once-bustling retail, dining and entertainment sectors responded to public health mandates.
Reimagining downtown and restoring its year-round vibrancy will take vision, partnership and persistence. It will take the commitment of everyone who cares about this place.
As it has been for more than 67 years, our mission at the Downtown Seattle Association is to create a healthy, vibrant downtown for all. With the support of our diverse corporate, nonprofit and resident members, we are leading downtown’s revitalization and providing vision and leadership on the critical issues and opportunities facing Seattle’s urban core.
We invite you to join us.
We Are City Makers
Downtown Seattle is the city’s epicenter of jobs and the region’s hub for arts, entertainment, professional sports and tourism. More than 108,000 residents now live in the center city. As our urban core evolves and emerges from the pandemic, the Downtown Seattle Association is here. We’re helping lead downtown’s recovery and continuing to provide leadership on a range of issues impacting our urban core, including economic development, public safety, chronic homelessness and transportation. With funding from Metropolitan Improvement District ratepayers, our Downtown Ambassadors help keep our sidewalks and public spaces clean, safe and welcoming for all who work, live and visit. MID ratepayers also fund parks and public space improvements, downtown marketing and transportation services.
We call ourselves City Makers. Because we believe when downtown thrives, the whole city flourishes.